The Forgotten Truth

Player > Ancestry > Leshy > Heritages

Leshy Heritages

A leshy’s heritage represents the benefits they gain from their body. Choose one of the following leshy heritages at 1st level.

Fungus Leshy

Lost Omens Character Guide p.53

Your body was made from fungi that grows in the shade of caves and trees, and you are at home in dark caverns and warrens. You gain darkvision.

Gourd Leshy

Lost Omens Character Guide p.53

You have a large gourd for a skull. Your knowledge comes from within your spirit, rather than a physical brain, and you have found a handier use for the space inside your head. You can store a collection of up to 1 Bulk of objects within your head. The DC of checks to Steal objects from inside your head increases by 4. Additionally, if you store only one object within your head, you can draw it effortlessly into your hand as part of another action to use the object. Drawing the item grants this other action the manipulate trait.

Leaf Leshy

Lost Omens Character Guide p.53

Your body is made mostly from natural foliage, and like a leaf tumbling from a tree, you land from falls with particular grace. You take no damage from falling, regardless of the distance you fall.

Vine Leshy

Lost Omens Character Guide p.53

The prehensile vines woven into your body grant you unmatched skill at climbing. You do not need to have any hands free to Climb. Additionally, if you roll a success on an Athletics check to Climb, you get a critical success instead.